My Mistakes Vs. God’s Love

Sadness stealing any trace of joy;

Present defeat crushing past triumphs;

Happy songs causing greater grief;

My mistakes marking me worthless;


I wanna run; I wanna hide.

I am no good, except for being set aside.

I wanna quit; I wanna retire.

I am no good, except for the fire.

Goodness stealing any trace of shame;

Present grace lifting my spirit;

Even sad songs giving me hope;

Since Your love gave me worth.

Born Again

Yes, as you see,

I am covered with blood;

But no, do not wash me

For ’tis this blood

That cleansed me and marks me

Delivered from this world

Of deadly sin

Into the world of peace and love

Yes, I am crying,

Screaming, actually;

But no, do not pacify me;

‘Tis not for death,

But for new life, Spirit-given,

I rejoice, unrestrained.

So watch and know:

“I am born again.”