Key to success

It is a big misconception that a man or a woman has to make his or her own way in this world, that he or she is the key to success, prosperity and life. When he finds himself or she finds herself, then his or her dreams will come true and then life begins. However, Job, who owned both riches and honor and then lost them all, knew exactly Who truly owns it all: “And he said, ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.’” (Job 1:21; ESV) Then his health got taken away and he was reduced to sitting on ashes and having “miserable comforters” (Job 16:2). He was a righteous man, despite his friends’ false accusations, which they based on their own judgments. It was inconceivable that a righteous man would be brought so low. Therefore, he must be wicked. It was a depressive situation and Job was very vocal about it. In the middle of his moaning and groaning, he states, “’ Whatever He (God) wants to do, He does. So He will do to me whatever He has planned. He controls my destiny.’” (Job 23:13b-14; NLT). Job’s faith in God was being tested and in the end, God give him back double of what He lost. Should I really waste time seeking my own way or should I save time by spending it on seeking and trusting Him Who “controls my destiny” and holds the key to succes? Is my success measured by what I have accumulated or is it by what character shows when everything is taken away? After all, I never know when the market’s going to crash or a flood’s going to come and destroy my house.