My Nephew Enjoying Hillsong United’s “Oceans”

With all the news about Planned Parenthood’s gruesome practices, it is sad to think how far gone humanity has become.  What once was done out in the open – the sacrificing of infants to Molech by the Phoenicians and Canaanites – to appease a god is now done in “secrecy” to appease our own selfish desires, if you know what I mean.  They say it helps women, so they can be in control of their own bodies.

In our quest to be in control of our lives, finances, or whatever other reason, it has come to mean giving up babies; which most of us Christians have detested for years.  Now, we have gone even further as to use their parts for the quest of science and even more greed on the part of those performing the abortions.

I say “we”, because it is our responsibility to pray for our society and we are not necessarily off the hook for letting this out of hand.  It’s easy to point our fingers to those doing the crime, but the question is what have we done to stop what’s going on?  (Tweet this )

So, this post really is more to urge folks to pray and also to do something practical.  You can go to and send an email, already prepared by Family Research Council, to your Senators.

To get to the title of this post and make the mood a little lighter, I thought I’d share a video of my nephew enjoying the bridge and chorus of his favorite song that I played and sang for him on the piano.  I am so glad to have the privilege of having him grow up in my home for the last couple of months.  Babies are so precious and I hope we can always remember that. (Tweet this

Here’s the link in case the video below won’t show…