The 2 Top Priorities in Life

You know that moment when you think that you’re at the end of your life and all the things you know you’re supposed to do haven’t been done yet?  All of a sudden, you find yourself squirming to God, “Okay, okay, I’ll do that thing you’ve been asking me to do.”

And if that isn’t enough to rise you up from what seems to be your deathbed, you start haggling with God for more time?

“But I haven’t finished that book yet!”  Meaning the one you’ve been ignoring for the past year and a half.


“I still have songs to write, record and sing.  Who’s going to sing the songs I have written?”  Like you’re some da Vinci of music when there are a million out there who write and sing better than you do.

It’s a bit funny really to think like you’re some kind of special character that’s supposed to give a contribution to humanity when you’ve wasted a lot of time on unimportant things or maybe important things, but not the ones God has assigned to you.

I’m not saying you are not special, but that you are not more special than another.  You are limited.  Your time is limited and could, in fact, be up any minute.

If the question you find yourself asking when you think your life is at a balance is “Is this it?  Surely this is not the end of my life?” you know you have not yet lived a full life.

Tweet: If you find yourself asking If you find yourself asking “Is this it? Surely this is not the end of my life?” you know you have not yet lived a full life.

Even though a part of you knows God can use anyone to write the same message or songs you think you were meant to write, (or fill in the blank as to what applies to you), a part of you still wants to know that you’ve made some kind of dent in history, that your life was not a waste.

In that moment, you realize what are really most important.  I mean, you kind of knew before, but now you know for sure.  Suddenly, priorities line up and God becomes so much bigger and ultimately the Only One you truly need.  Money and things hardly matter.  Even an introvert and a loner craves being with people, somebody, anybody.  When the distractions of TV, computer, phones, books and capabilities are taken away, God and people become top priority.

No wonder the Ten Commandments can be summed up to loving God and loving people! (Matt. 22:37-40; Luke 10:27)

If you haven’t come face to face with the possibility of your life ending any minute, don’t wait until a life-threatening or a debilitating accident wakes you up from your cruise-controlled life.  Trust me, it ain’t fun.

You may think you know your priorities, but in reality, the use of your time show what you truly prioritize.

If you ask

Now is the time to have a talk with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to work His priorities in your life.

In truth, even a tragedy does not guarantee you will change your ways permanently.  Only the Holy Spirit can help us keep our priorities straight.  I know, because once you start feeling better, it’s easy to go back into cruise control and stop fighting to do what is best in the time entrusted to you.

Would you pray for me in this regard as I pray also that God would give you a clear direction as to the best use of the time He has given you on earth?