Not On My Own

Spinning off of last month’s post on the importance of human touch,  I am sharing with you a video down below of a song I wrote about needing a friend when you’re really down and out.  This is a thank you to those who have come alongside of me when I was sick and a reminder to all of us to take the time to be a friend to someone who can’t help themselves.

I hope you like it.  I would appreciate some feedback if to let me know if any of the songs I share with you resonates with you in some way or needs some improvement.

On a similar note, I have a friend in the Philippines who is very much in need of a plasma dialysis.  Unfortunately, over there, she can’t get the treatment without having the funds for it and she is already so much in debt due to medical bills.  We’ve created a gofundme site to help her out.  She needs at least about $1000 to get her dialysis, which is already overdue.  If you are able to  give even just $5, that would be a great help.  And you can do that RIGHT HERE!

Thank you, enjoy the song and have a blessed week!

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