Would you, literally, utterly and sincerely, be willing to go to hell for or with someone?

Tweet: Would you go to hell for someone else? http://ctt.ec/5f1H9 Would you go to hell for someone else?

What kind of question is that? You might ask.

People die for one another, or for a nation, or for a cause. But would someone willingly give their place in hell for the sake of another?  Or would someone identify with someone else’s sin and choose to be with someone in hell rather than with God in heaven.
I was reading Exodus 32 and realized the depth of Moses’ request from God in verse 32. “‘But now, if Thou wilt forgive their sin – and if not, blot me, I pray Thee from Thy book which Thou hast written.'” (RSV, 1952) 
Israel had just turned their backs on the God that delivered them out of the hand of the Egyptians. They exchanged Him for a lifeless golden calf, something even less than a human being.
Moses, being the savior-type that he is, offered to be removed from God’s book of life for these ungrateful people if God will not forgive them. On one hand, it is admirable. You can see his dedication to those he was leading.  He was willing to go down with them.
On the other hand, he was not perfect.  He did not qualify as savior nor could he be the atonement for these people. That was not his calling.  Going to hell for and with them would not do any good.
In verse 33 & 34 it says, “But the Lord said to Moses, ‘Whoever has sinned against me, I will blot out of my book. But now go, lead the people to the place about which I have spoken to you…'”
His calling was to lead and teach them God’s statutes here on earth. Their eternal salvation was up to God.
There is only One Savior and Atonement – Jesus Christ.
It is not you. It is not I.
Yes, let’s evangelize, intercede, and lead people to the River of Life; but rest assured that we don’t have to take anyone’s place in hell.
Jesus already did. And hell couldn’t hold Him, so He now sits at the right hand of the Father.

Why Celebrate Life

There is not one human being that would not readily find a reason to despise life and be all depressed about it.  There is not one soul that is not scarred nor marred in one way or another;  not one soul that is not at some point hit by a wall of darkness, enveloped in, and blinded to any way out.  So, I realize that for some, it would be insulting for me to say, “Celebrate your life!”
Why should one constantly faced by hardship and trials celebrate life?

First, you need to know that there is an invitation for you to enter a new life.  In John 10:9, Jesus says, “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in an out, and find pasture.”  “..If any man…” tells us that the invitation is for everyone.   The second half of the following verse also tells us that this life is one that you can celebrate: “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.”  The Christian life is often misconstrued as living life walking on eggshells, boxed in by walls of do’s and dont’s. This kind of living steals the joy out of true Christianity, burns you out, and may eventually kill the relationship you are trying to preserve if not corrected in time. On the other hand, it is a joyful thing to do good and not evil when it blossoms out of a loving relationship with Christ just as sacrifice is sweet when endured for the sake of a loved one.

Second, once you enter in, know that food has been set on the table for you by our host, Jesus Christ, also known as the Good Shepherd. Psalm 23 displays what the Good Shepherd has set on the table for us: provision for our needs, what is healthy for us; restoration for our souls; peace through the valley of the shadow of death; protection; abundance that overflows; goodness and mercy for each day. It is true that our troubles in this life won’t go away, but Christ’s provision gives us the strength to face them and makes us stronger at the end of each trial.  Furthermore, it is no secret that our Host has the gift of eternal life for all who accept His invitation and join the celebration. This gift is the punch and cake that does not run out.  For those who receive it, death is an entrance to a better world and not some last hurrah before you go to hell.  It makes this temporal life worth the trouble.

Finally, a celebration is not complete without the reason for the celebration, the Good Shepherd Himself who laid down His life for us, the sheep, that we may be saved.  Heroes are celebrated, because they gave up their lives for the good of a nation.  Christ is more than a hero.  He became a man, died and rose again, not only that we could have a new life here on earth, but also eternal life in heaven with Him.
If you wish to accept Christ’s invitation to a new life worth celebrating, pray the following prayer: “Lord Jesus, I realize that I am a sinner doomed to destruction.  Please forgive me of my sins.  Be my Lord and Savior.  Take over everything I do. Thank you for giving me a new life. In Your Name, AMEN.”  If you prayed this prayer, please send me a note at olivetupe@live.com.